2018 Year-End Wrap-Up!

Well, upon reflection, it was quite a busy year for us! Our staff saw the majority of the changes.BECCA was promoted to Practice Manager, moving out of the Tech role she so competently filled for over 15 years.TAMMIE left us (Boo!) then came back (Yay!) because she missed us and the work we do here. In addition, she got married in a lovely ceremony on her farm this summer, accompanied by her loyal dog Spanky who looked simply fabulous in his tuxedo.We lost DR. SHAY in the summer when she decided to move to the Mid-West, and welcomed DR. MASER into our fold after Thanksgiving.ASHLEY moved into a fabulous new home and then welcomed daughter #2 into her lovely family.Both DR. BERMAN and LISA welcomed new rescue dogs into their families – Jessie & Kirby.

LISA lost her beloved dog, Ryland and moved into a new position here at the hospital doing outreach & marketing.

DR. SCHULTZ traveled to Ecuador where she helped train the next generation of veterinarians and to provide routine medical care to resident’s beloved pets. What a fantastic adventure!

TRISH from the front desk celebrated a milestone & graduated with her degree in English & Art from college.

Finally, STEPH faced a significant challenge to her health with both humor and tenacity, much like her typical, fabulous, everyday attitude.

As far as happenings here at the hospital, our biggest accomplishment involved DR. SCHULTZ, who coordinated a number of clinical trials for both cats and dogs facing GI and mobility issues. The results of these trials will help advance treatments in veterinary medicine for the future.

We also introduced a new offering we’re pretty excited about: Cryosurgery – a non-surgical alternative for many types of growths, eyelid tumors and lesions.

Facebook Live broadcasts were explored as a new way of sharing important pet healthcare-related information as well as topics in animal welfare, and lastly, our hospital started attending events around the community to raise awareness of our services. We look forward to expanding these initiatives as we move forward in 2019.


We hope your 2018 was happy, healthy and peaceful, and wish the same for you, your family and pets during 2019.

Happy New Year!!!

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